Everything You Need To Know About Your Work Rights

When you are working, you are entitled to rights within that workplace. Regardless of where you stand in the company’s hierarchy, you should not feel like you are worth less than your co-workers. However, it is rare to be told what your rights exactly are. Your company will likely have its own spin on these but there are universal rights that all employees get. If you have been faced with a tough situation at work, it can be useful to know what your rights are. Here is a list of some universal rights that you have as an employee. 

Your rights start from your application

You may not think it, but you have rights as an employee from the moment your application is considered. Your rights follow the same as when you are an employee. You cannot have your application disregarded for your age, gender, race, or your nationality. It can be difficult to judge if these rights are being infringed upon from your application. However, there are hints. If you find that you have been questioned by your family, then you may have cause for concern. 

A contract of employment 

You should be concerned when you start a job and you do not receive a copy of your contract. Employers are technically not obligated to provide a contract but within the first two months of starting your position, you should receive a written statement stating your terms of employment and the basic details of your position. These are things such as your title, your expected work hours, and your monthly wage. 


You are entitled to having a detailed payslip from your employer detailing your pay and any deductions that have taken place. Employers cannot make illegal subtractions from your wage. You need to see this transparently on your wage slip. You can see how much you are paid and see how much tax you are paying. This can help you work on your budget and ensure that you are being paid fairly along with the terms of your contract. 


All workplaces, under health and safety laws, are due to give their employees a break. You should get a daily break of at least 20 minutes when your workday when you work for more than 6 hours. You are also due a full day off after 7 days of work. You cannot be made to work more than 48 hours in a week unless you have previously agreed to work more than this and you have confirmed it in writing and as a part of your contract. Make sure that you do not feel pressured to work more than this. You have the right to a break for food and water. 

Rights in the workplace

It can be easy to forget that you are due rights in the workplace. Sometimes every job puts pressure on its employees to go above and beyond for the company. This is fine unless you feel like you are under threat of losing your job if you do not sacrifice your rights. 

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