Five Top Tips When Designing A Website For Your Support Group

The power of the internet is no more evident than when it comes to helping people, whether that be fundraising or allowing people to reach out and get help with the likes of addiction, financial problems or, particularly these days, stress or anxiety.

Support groups are proving more useful than ever before to people, but so many are currently not online, or fully online, instead placing signs on the windows of local stores or putting Facebook posts on local community groups.

However, being online can allow so many more people to get the support they need, whether it be for those needing help with addiction and recovery, those suffering with mental health problems, or even chronic or life threatening illnesses. It can help change a person’s life, and all through Googling support and finding your group.

Setting up and designing a support group website can be relatively straight forward, and here are five top tips to help you do so…

Keep it Simple

One of the most important things to keep in mind when designing your website is to keep it simple. Your website should be easy to navigate and understand, with clear headings and concise text. Avoid cluttering your pages with too much information or too many images. Instead, focus on providing the most important information in a clear and concise manner.

Choose the Right Colour Scheme

The right colour scheme can make a huge difference to the look and feel of your website. Choose colours that reflect the ethos of your support group and that create a sense of unity and community. Avoid using too many bright colours or clashing colours that can be distracting. Stick to a few key colours that work well together and that are easy on the eyes.

Make it Mobile-Friendly

More and more people are accessing the internet on their mobile devices, so it’s essential that your website is mobile-friendly. This means that it should be optimized for smaller screens and that it should be easy to navigate using a touch screen. Avoid using large images or graphics that can slow down your site or make it difficult to load on mobile devices.

Use Clear Calls to Action

A call to action is a statement or button that encourages your website visitors to take a specific action, such as signing up for your support group or making a donation. Use clear calls to action throughout your website to encourage engagement and interaction. Make sure that your calls to action are easy to find and that they stand out from the rest of your content.

Create a Community

Finally, your website should be more than just a place to share information. It should be a hub for your support group community, where members can connect with one another and share their experiences. Consider adding a forum or message board where members can interact, or a blog where members can share their stories. This will help to create a sense of community and belonging, which is essential for any support group.

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