7 Essential Qualities for a Great HR Leader

Great companies can’t become great without great employees.

But how do you attract these great employees?

How do you retain them? How do you know who to hire, and who not to let go?

HR managers are using technology to manage HR processes effectively by providing ease to their employees.

UK HR software helps them to increase their employees’ motivation by providing them with the tools they need to be successful.

But what else makes a great HR leader?

What skills and traits are required to be successful in this field?

What many people don’t realise is that motivation is a key factor in determining the success or failure of any HR team and sometimes there can easily be 8 ways that the HR team’s motivation can be destroyed without you even realising.

You can view more information about that here

There are many skills and best practices that are required for becoming a great HR leader. One of the most important is being able to build relationships with others.

This includes being able to develop trust, be honest and open, and be supportive. 

Let’s take a deeper insight and assess some of the key qualities required to make a brilliant HR leader.

Competent in Employment Law

A company’s human resources department is responsible for a wide range of tasks, from recruiting new employees to enforcing the company’s policies and handling employee disputes.

To be effective in this role, it is important that your HR department has a good understanding of employment law.

Competent in employment law means that your HR understands the basics of how to comply with the law when recruiting, hiring, and managing employees.

This includes understanding things like minimum wage laws, anti-discrimination laws, and overtime rules.

HR leaders must also be competent in employment law.

They need to be familiar with the various regulations that apply to their industry, as well as the different state and national laws.

This knowledge allows them to stay up-to-date on changes to these laws and allows them to properly advise the company.


Leadership skills are important for any profession, but they are especially important in the field of human resources.

Most HR professionals start their career in human resources as an administrative assistant or entry-level position, so having strong leadership skills can be the difference between taking the next step to becoming a true HR professional and falling behind.

Leadership is also a vital skill.

HR leaders need to be able to set goals and objectives and motivate their employees to achieve success.

They must be familiar with different leadership and management styles and know when to use each one.

Risk Management

Risk management is another important skill for HR professionals.

Leaders in the field must understand when it is necessary to take risks, and when it is better to play it safe.

They also need to be able to identify potential risks and have a plan in place for mitigating them.

Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Analysing data is another important skill for HR leaders. They need to be able to interpret information and use it to make informed decisions.

Leaders in HR must also be able to think critically and identify potential problems before they occur.

Problem solving is another key skill for HR leaders.

When issues arise, they need to be able to come up with a solution quickly and efficiently.

Leaders in this field must also be able to think outside the box, and come up with creative solutions to complicated problems.

Good Organiser

To be successful, HR leaders must also be good organizers.

This includes being able to schedule and manage time efficiently, as well as being able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. 

Finally, HR leaders must be able to think strategically. They need to be able to see the big picture and develop long-term plans that will help the company reach its goals.

Having Command on Technology

A strong command of technology is essential for virtually all professionals, and HR should not be an exception. 

You do not need to be an expert in technology yourself, but knowing how to use tools, such as an HR software to handle workforce requests and data, can make your job easier by speeding up tasks that have been on hold due to another person taking care of them first – such as dealing with clients via email (or video chat) -.

Strong Reporting Skills

HR reporting skills are in high demand as HR analytics grow to become more important.

These abilities include the ability to create, read and interpret reports using data from different Human Resource Information Systems. 

Those who have these types of report-writing capabilities not only understand how their company operates but they’re also able to show that information with compelling messages on metrics such as storytelling, which can help managers make decisions or persuade employees if there’s an issue regarding things such as pay increases.


Developing these skills will allow you to become a great HR leader. With the right training and experience, you can make a positive impact on your company and help it achieve success.