AOJ Online Jobs Review – Legit Opportunity or a Scam

To start writing reviews about gig economy opportunities, you need a lot of patience.

For example, when you have to test the claim; is AOJ work from home jobs a SCAM?

Reading AOJ work from home reviews is an enlightening experience.

Every review paints a picture of an American online jobs scam.

It is a story of poorly executed chances to earn money from users unfamiliar with the gig economy.

Luckily, you have this review. And, it can save you from wasting your time.

What is AOJ Online Jobs?

AOJ online jobs is a platform that helps you find a job in America.

The jobs should be digital, remote, or online. At least, that is the premise of the platform. In reality, the platform is something entirely else.

It is a platform that offers a few opportunities and some training options.

Overall, these opportunities are not enough to earn any income or grow your business.

In essence, the platform consists of paid surveys and several training sections.

There are several websites associated with the AOJ brand.

The user experience of the website is poor. It has everything from unsafe connections to inappropriate web design.

Also, it lacks in testimonial department or any social proof.

After the dubious application process, you can start using the platform.

However, it lacks any valuable or proper content to make any sense for prolonged use.

Overall, it is one of the worst gig economy websites on the web.

If you can find any trace of legitimacy, there is no case for use of the website.

Regarding the American online jobs scam, you could say that it is safe to avoid the platform.

Of course, review has more to offer.

How Does This Platform Work?

The aoj work from home jobs come with a simple premise. It should be a job board for the American people.

However, if you read aoj work from home reviews, you may notice a common occurrence.

And that is that it fails to deliver on that promise.

First, you can land on any of the few AOJ websites.

Then, you go through the application process, which immediately grants you a chance to work.

The problem is with what the platform offers as work.

The work consists of paid surveys linked to other survey websites. However, there is no reason to do them on the platform.

You can go to their original platform and earn bonus points for the surveys.

Another offer on the platform consists of free training. The training refers to skills such as web development and digital marketing.

There are various courses of poor quality. For example, you can apply for a Facebook ads course.

However, that course is unusable and too general for any practical use.

Together, these are all the features available on the platform. There may be some additional offers, but these are rare. So, that is all that you can do with the AOJ platform.

Is AOJ Online Jobs Legit?

Now comes the big question concerning the American online jobs scam.

AOJ work from home jobs is a scam.

You can search for review and come to the same conclusion.

The peculiar thing about AOJ work from home reviews is that they state the same thing. And that thing is that you are unable to make any money with the platform.

You can apply and register with the company.

But, you fail to fulfill the elementary goal of earning pay.

Therefore the experience of using the website is forfeit.

It takes away your time that you can use to earn money in the first place.

However, you can find some content if you are a total beginner in the digital industry.

There is some elementary information about the digital economy and jobs.

You can use that information to find out more about online business, affiliate marketing, and digital marketing.

Later, you can use that information to continue searching those topics and get an actual job. But, that is the only thing you can do with the platform.

If you want an actual gig or even a job opportunity look further than that.

There are jobs, even gig jobs with clear advertising.

While AOJ claims to offer jobs for Americans, it offers nothing of value for part-time or full-time workers.

Instead, it takes your information and uses it for its purposes.

Another problem is that there is almost no legal information available about the website.

The illegal nature of the website is visible from the application process. It is dubious, weird, and irregular at best.

Application Process

The application process starts with a questionnaire.

It consists of eight questions you can fill out in any way.

The questions have a general note about your willingness to work.

Questions are mundane and resemble job interview questions.

The problem here is that you can answer them in any order.

There are two answers, positive and negative.

And you can answer any of them to proceed to the next stage of the application.

The next stage of the application includes filling out the profile. However, you can skip this step and go straight to the work section. The minute you finish the questionnaire, you get access to paid surveys.

Other than that, you can fill out the profile and that is all there is to the application process. You can add some financial information, which you should avoid.

Then, you can browse the platform and use its resources. So, anyone can come to the platform and use its features.

Thus, there is no standard or consensus on who can use the platform. All you need is an email address to start using the AOJ.

All that makes the bulk of AOJ company reviews. You can compile them into a story about all things that are wrong with this job platform.

AOJ Company Reviews

AOJ company reviews state that the company is a scam.

You can search far and wide to read almost the same opinion of people there.

Of course, there are some positive reviews as well.

The problem with them is that they are insincere and serve as marketing posters for the company.

The usual practice of the owner of these websites is to go and write positive reviews to promote the platform.

Thus, most such platforms have people that go to the review websites and write generic promotion content.

On the other hand, there are a ton of negative reviews associated with the company. Most negative reviews consist of the points you can find in this article.

Additionally, you can find stories about people using the platform for several months.

Unfortunately, these people knew nothing about the gig economy or digital jobs.

It was their first chance of working online.

Luckily, other legit options allow you to earn money and get an additional income stream.

So, always research before applying on any platform. Reviews are a goldmine of previous experience. Read them thoroughly to prepare for the advantages and disadvantages of any platform. Research before making a decision can save your life.

What We Like About AOJ?

There is nothing to like about AOJ.

It is a scam platform.

But, there is a favorable moment, and that is that it gives you a sort of a learning curve. It helps you to understand what a scam is, and how scams work.

Let’s examine what makes AOJ a scam. First, you have an untrusted website. Or, in technical terms, it is a website without an SSL certificate.

That means that all information you share on the website may leak at any time.

If you share your credit accounts or credit card information, suspicious parties may access that information.

Then, there is a poor user experience on the website. Any professional company wants to have at least a functional website.

On that note, there are a few other domains with similar names.

Thus, this operation aims to bring as many users as possible to the primary website.

Once you visit that website, there is almost nothing that you can use to earn money.

So, it is a textbook example of a scam website. From all the evidence you can gather, you can see it is there to take something from you. The actual value it provides is minuscule and insignificant.

What We Don’t Like About AOJ?

That leads you to the next point, and that is all that is wrong with the AOJ platform. Again, it is a scam platform. And, that tells another story about the gig economy and online business. Platforms like AOJ capitalize on people struggling to generate income in the COVID era.

The AOJ platform needs proper advertising before anything else. It should state that it offers no actual job opportunity. And, that it has almost nothing of value to offer for you. Finally, it should state that it is not a platform for you to earn any money or increase your income.

Another problem with the platform is that there is a business model with the platform. All AOJ does is that it offers you tasks from other websites. So, it has zero value to offer as to hold you on the website.

Thus, the platform operates in an insincere manner. Even more so if you consider people who work in the gig economy. Or even people that are looking to try working in an online business for the first time.

That leads to the final point. And that is the problem with the gig economy.

The Problem With Gig Economy

The primary problem with the gig economy is in the learning curve and the ability to land profitable jobs.

A person with digital skills can find freelance work or gigs to sustain their income or build a side hustle.

However, that is the minority of people considering what demographic look for this kind of job.

A professional can find several opportunities to supplement their income.

You can say that they freelance or are a part of the gig economy.

The certainty is that they have an option to find a job for their skillset.

The novice in the industry lacks skills and job hunting ability. They want to get their first digital or remote job.

They are willing to try almost anything due to their lack of experience. However, that is not the reason to scam them or waste their time.

If anything, these platforms should provide you with training and guidance. And, of course, give you a chance to earn some money.

Then, you can proceed and build your career with an actual skill set.

Without that, you have no chance to increase your income and have more monthly revenue. Some platforms are an excellent starting position to get into the digital industry.

Finally, nothing can prepare you for the actual work experience. It is something you need to try and see how it works. Even then, you deserve a proper chance to make your first steps in the digital world.

The Final Comment

Give the AOJ platform a pass. But, remain careful where you leave your financial and other information.

Some websites are legit and give you a chance to earn money with gig jobs. However, many online scams can steal your information. And, they can waste your time when you could be earning money.

Invest time in research first. Try to find out about the platform before you apply for any job. Then, once you have confirmation from other users, start working with the platform.

Then, you can earn legal money and that can appear in your account.

Later, you can develop a skill set and find better opportunities.

It is possible to earn money in the gig economy. At least it is if you find the right opportunities.

So, take your time before you decide on these jobs.

Don’t leave your old job yet. Apply for as much work as possible.

Work any job that is available to you. Increase your income, improve your skills.

Make the digital economy work for you.