Building Strong Client Relationships As An MSP

As an MSP, your success largely depends on building strong relationships with your clients. Your clients are the backbone of your business. Without them, you would not have a sustainable MSP. This is why nurturing positive client relationships should be one of your top priorities as an MSP. When clients trust you and are satisfied with your services, they will not only remain loyal but also refer you to other prospects. 

Let’s look at some tips for building robust client relationships as an MSP.

  1. Define Your Ideal Client

Take time to carefully identify the types of clients you work best with. Analyze your current client base and determine any commonalities like industry, size, tech stack, values, etc. Review the types of projects you excel at. Your niche could revolve around healthcare IT, law firm cybersecurity, or SaaS platforms for real estate brokers. Take your MSP services and package them specifically for your ideal clients. Refine your website, case studies, and marketing to target this niche. Attending industry events and joining associations helps connect with your ideal clients. When defining your niche, educate prospects on the MSP benefits you offer their industry. This sets proper expectations and allows you to deliver maximum value to clients who need your specialized expertise. When you understand who you serve best, you can position your MSP offerings for their specific needs and challenges.

  1. Set The Right Expectations

Be upfront about exactly what services, tools, response times, metrics, and terms you provide. Create a detailed service-level agreement outlining your offerings, responsibilities, policies, and pricing. Provide this SLA during the sales process so clients know what to anticipate. Highlight how you will address common pain points in their industry. For example, guarantee 99% uptime and two-hour response for law firms who can’t afford downtime. Update the SLA as needed if the client’s needs change over time. Setting transparent expectations avoids confusion down the line for a smooth MSP transition and partnership.

  1. Communicate Regularly

Consistent communication nurtures trust and satisfaction. Set up quarterly business review meetings to discuss strategy and goals. Send monthly newsletters with tech tips and company updates. Check-in via email or calls to ask how things are going. Provide training webinars when new services are deployed. Send quarterly reports highlighting your performance on SLAs. Be accessible and responsive when clients have requests or issues arise. Lack of communication erodes relationships. But being readily available shows you have their best interest in mind and value the partnership.

  1. Train Clients

Make ongoing training a priority to maximize your clients’ technology ROI. When new systems or upgrades are implemented, provide webinars and docs to guide proper usage. Record helpful tutorial videos they can reference as needed. Send quick how-to’s on features like security settings or analytics dashboards. Use everyday language to educate; avoid complex jargon. Well-informed clients fully utilize tools, reducing frustrations. Position your MSP as an educator, not just a break-fix vendor. Knowledge transfer creates stickier and more productive client relationships.

  1. Go Above And Beyond

Exceed your baseline SLA whenever you can. Look for opportunities to surprise and delight clients. Flag important security patches proactively. Recommend innovative solutions to improve their workflows. Stop by their office periodically to check in and assess needs informally. Offer free services like network audits or security assessments. These add-ons showcase your commitment beyond the contract. Clients gain more trust in you, making them more likely to renew and refer you. Little extra touches go a long way in strengthening client loyalty.

  1. Use Client Feedback Tools

Actively survey clients on their satisfaction through Net Promoter Scores, reviews, and regular questionnaires. This gives objective insights into their happiness and areas for improvement. Promptly follow up on any low scores to address concerns. Positive reviews can be used as social proof on your website to attract more clients. Feedback tools identify at-risk accounts you can save with early intervention. They also reveal service gaps to build better relationships. Continuously soliciting client feedback is crucial for delivering excellence and nurturing partnerships.

  1. Reward Loyalty

Loyalty deserves recognition. Offer discounts or free services for long-term clients when they renew contracts. Send gift cards or company swag on anniversary milestones. Host special events like client appreciation dinners annually. Launch a formal loyalty program with points earned for renewals and referrals. Rewarding loyalty boosts retention, referrals, and satisfaction. Clients feel appreciated versus just another payment transaction. A little appreciation goes a long way in strengthening relationships.

  1. Hire Customer-Focused Staff

Your employees directly interact with clients regularly. Hire those with excellent customer service skills, patience, and emotional intelligence. Train them on your processes for prompt issue resolution. Empower them to make judgment calls in the client’s favor when reasonable. Equip them with knowledge and resources to quickly handle client needs. Clients will appreciate working with staff focused on their best interests, not bureaucracy. This facilitates stronger relations.

  1. Keep Learning

Stay on top of the latest MSP best practices and technologies by reading events and certifications. Pass this knowledge to clients so you can guide them strategically as a trusted advisor. Educate yourself on trends and innovations within your client niches specifically. Position yourself as an expert on their industry’s IT needs, not just an MSP. Clients rely more on advisors who are truly invested in their success. Ongoing learning strengthens your expertise and client relationships simultaneously.


Building solid client relationships is essential for MSPs to retain accounts and stand out. Focus on setting clear expectations, communicating regularly, providing ongoing training, exceeding service levels, collecting feedback, rewarding loyalty, hiring customer-oriented staff, and continuous learning. With strong relationships, clients view you as a trusted partner rather than just an external IT provider. Satisfied clients are the key to being a successful, referral-worthy MSP.