Front Doors – Choosing the best front door for your home

In the heart of every home and the entryway to countless adventures, the humble door stands as a silent guardian of our lives. Often overlooked, these simple yet profound structures hold stories untold, histories unseen, and secrets waiting to be discovered.

In this expert guide, we delve into the world of front doors, mainly composite and uPVC doors.

Join us as we unlock the mystery behind these two everyday portals and discover why a door is not just a door but a safety feature that helps keep your energy bills down in the long run. 

Expert guide to selecting the best front door for your home

When selecting the best doors for homes in the UK, homeowners have a variety of options to consider based on their budget, style preferences, and functional requirements. 

When considering the choice between composite doors and uPVC doors for your home, there are several factors to weigh, each with its unique advantages and limitations.

You can look at this door comparison here to find out even more about the differences in front door materials.

Composite Doors Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Attractive Design: Composite doors offer a wide range of designs, including bespoke options, and can mimic the look of traditional timber doors.
  • Durability: They are known for their strength and longevity, often lasting over 35 years.
  • Security: Generally provide higher security levels due to their robust construction and thickness, often featuring advanced lock systems.
  • Energy Efficiency: Tend to be more energy-efficient, with most having an A or A+ energy rating.
  • Variety in Style: Available in various colours and styles, suitable for both modern and traditional homes.


  • Cost: They are more expensive initially due to the complex manufacturing process and quality of materials used.
  • Noise in Sunlight: Some composite doors may creak or crack when exposed to prolonged direct sunlight.

What are the best Composite Doors to Buy?

Composite doors are popular in the UK for their blend of style, security, and energy efficiency.

  • Comp Door: This door stands out for its security features, thermal efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. It comes with a solid timber core and advanced locking systems, although it can be heavier and take longer to manufacture.
  • GRP Composite Doors: These doors are known for their quality, security features like Yale and Ultion locks, and affordability.
  • Hallmark Panels and Everest: Both brands are renowned for their range of styles, colours, and security accreditations.

uPVC Doors Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Affordability: uPVC doors are generally less expensive, making them a cost-effective option.
  • Low Maintenance: They are easy to clean and maintain, requiring only regular wiping.
  • Insulation: Provide decent thermal insulation, helping to reduce energy bills.
  • Security: While not as secure as composite doors, they still offer a good level of security with multi-point locking systems.


  • Limited Styles: The styles and finishes available in uPVC doors are more limited compared to composite doors.
  • Aesthetic: They might have a plastic-like appearance, which may not appeal to everyone.

So, why choose one over the other? 

  • Budget: If cost is a significant factor, uPVC doors are more budget-friendly.
  • Aesthetics and Home Style: For a more authentic, traditional look or a wider range of design options, composite doors are preferable.
  • Security and Longevity: Composite doors edge out in terms of security and lifespan.
  • Energy Efficiency: Both offer good insulation, but composite doors typically have higher energy efficiency ratings.
  • Maintenance: Both are relatively low maintenance, but uPVC doors might require less attention over time.

In summary, the choice between composite and uPVC doors hinges on your priorities, whether they be budget, aesthetics, security, or longevity.

Composite doors offer a blend of aesthetic appeal, robust security, and energy efficiency but come at a higher initial cost. In contrast, uPVC doors are more affordable and low maintenance but may lack style variety and security features compared to composite doors​​​​​​​​​.


How do I choose the right size for my front door?

Standard front door sizes are usually 80 inches tall and 36 inches wide. However, measure your door opening to ensure a proper fit. Don’t forget to consider the door frame and any sidelights.

Can I install a front door myself?

DIY installation is possible with some carpentry skills and tools. However, for best results and to ensure security and efficiency, professional installation is often recommended.

How can I improve the security of my front door?

Consider a solid core door with high-quality locks (deadbolts are a popular choice), and reinforce the frame. Smart locks and security cameras are also useful modern upgrades.

How often should I replace my front door?

There’s no set timeline, but signs you may need a replacement include difficulty in opening/closing, drafts, visible damage, or outdated security features.

What are energy-efficient front doors?

Energy-efficient doors are designed to prevent air leaks and reduce energy costs. Look for doors with good insulation, proper sealing, and ENERGY STAR ratings.

How do I maintain my front door?

Regular cleaning, periodic painting or staining (especially for wood doors), checking and tightening hardware, and replacing worn weather stripping can extend the life of your door.

Are there standard colours for the front doors?

While there’s no standard, common choices include red, black, blue, and natural wood finishes. Your choice should complement your home’s exterior and personal style.